Core Platform

Man and woman looking at paper with senior housing market insights

Market Insight

Data, technology, and analytics drive precise primary market insight for senior housing and active adult living communities.


Dive into rate, occupancy, inventory, and transaction data at the local market level for senior housing.

Real Estate Listing Service for senior housing, powered by NIC MAP Vision

Real Estate Listings

Listings, powered by NIC MAP Vision, is the senior housing industry’s first online and completely free real estate listing service.

Enhanced Analytics

Asset Management

A powerful asset management tool with data to refine pricing strategies, respond to competitive threats, and optimize community performance.

Pipeline Insight

Leverage artificial intelligence to track new senior housing and care developments nationwide.

Resident Insight

Profile senior housing and active adult living resident/next of kin wealth and origin to supercharge operational performance and growth.


Track national trends with rate, occupancy, inventory, and transaction data within senior housing and care.


Anticipate emerging market trends with over 15 years of time-series data with our Fundamentals and Insights tool.

Resident Origin

The NIC MAP Vision Resident Origin tool, part of the platform’s primary market demand data tool — Market Insight, helps users understand where senior housing residents live and where they came from.

Add-On Capabilities


Leverage a nationwide senior housing community survey outcomes database to improve operational performance and quantify differentiation.

Referral Insight

Referral Insight connects clients with a large database of medical and non-medical referral sources that serve senior housing communities.

Resident Insight

Profile senior housing and active adult living resident/next of kin wealth and origin to supercharge operational performance and growth.

Talk with a NIC MAP Vision product expert today to learn more about how our robust analytics and insights can help support your business and save you time in an increasingly competitive market.

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